Dublin Poet Laureate
Jan 04, 2023 12:15 PM
James Morehead
Dublin Poet Laureate

James Morehead was appointed in June 2021 to serve as Poet Laureate through December 2022. Mr. Morehead has been a Dublin resident since 2000 and has been a passionate supporter of the Dublin community and especially Dublin schools for many years. Mr. Morehead currently serves on the Dublin High School Engineering & Design Academy Advisory Board, was Chair of the Dublin High School and Fallon Middle School School Site Councils, and founded the City of Dublin’s 2011 Organization of the Year, OneDublin.org. In 2015, Mr. Morehead received the City of Dublin Mayor's Award.
Mr. Morehead has published a book of his poems, is a member of the Academy of American Poets and Tri-Valley Writers, and is active in the poetry community, participating in poetry workshops and poetry Open Mics.

The Poet Laureate is a volunteer position appointed by the City Council to be a resource to City staff, Commissions, the City Council, and the community. Following the creation of the position in 2008, Ronnie Holland was selected as the City’s first Poet Laureate. The Poet Laureate is an advocate for the appreciation and advancement of poetry in classrooms and public spaces; builds a community of local poets; and brings the City of Dublin’s unique culture to life through the power of the spoken word. The Poet Laureate serves a term of two years following the Mayor’s recommendation and City Council confirmation. The Poet Laureate is limited to four consecutive two-year terms. Formal appointment is required to renew a term of the current Poet Laureate following term expiration.
