Cullinary Angels
Dec 20, 2023 12:15 PM
Lisa McNaney
Cullinary Angels

Culinary Angels is a volunteer, donation-based organization that provides nutrient-rich meals and nutrition education to people going through a cancer challenge, as well as to their caregivers. Meals are delivered free-of-charge throughout the Tri-Valley area in California.

Lisa McNaney not only survived cancer herself but helped her mother and teenage daughter through their cancer challenges. She observed from her own treatment experience, and as a caregiver during their treatment, that doctors were not talking about the role that nutrition plays in helping prevent disease, reduce symptoms, or reverse disease states. Realizing that nutritious meals can help fortify patients with compromised immune systems, she decided that she had the background, interest, and resources to begin filling this gap in the services offered to cancer patients and their caregivers. From that perspective, coupled with her love of cooking, she began the grassroots community effort that resulted in this beautiful organization that provides healthy and healing meals and nutrition education to so many in the TriValley.
