Rental Properties
My passion for empowering students and families to find their personal best path through education started from navigating my own. I entered college having to foot the bill myself and it made me begin thinking about how we “buy” college differently. It really is an asset buy, but in this country we don’t treat it that way. So, knowing myself and what I wanted to do after college I started researching majors and schools with the programs I felt would get me there. I studied their rankings, graduation rates, and average starting salaries. Then I negotiated scholarships and considered the total cost for me versus what I would make getting out of college.
By making the choices I did I was fortunate to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and a $40,000 surplus. So no debt; I actually made money going to college! And I was able to use the money I’d made to buy rental properties to rent out to my friends, who were mostly struggling. And now, after all this time, I am passionate about continuing to help students and families treat higher education in the same way—by making it work for them. And I can’t wait to continue to build bright futures for so many more young people and families out there.